Lena Priesemann (right), international UN Youth Volunteer working with UNDP on Youth Networks and Volunteering in Quito, shakes hands with David Ruano, a volunteer who also participated in the MY World Global Week of Action. (UNV, 2014)

Recognizing the volunteer work of university students for development

In July 2014, a certificate awards ceremony was held for students from several universities in Quito who volunteered during the MY World Global Week of Action. The awards ceremony was held to recognize the volunteer work of the students who provided their time, energy, commitment, and availability to distribute the MY World open survey, which aims to identify the priorities for the post-2015 development agenda.

In July 2014, at the United Nations building in Quito, a certificate awards ceremony was held for students from several universities in Quito who volunteered during the MY World Global Week of Action

The awards ceremony was held to recognize the volunteer work of the students who provided their time, energy, commitment, and availability to distribute the MY World open survey, which aims to identify the priorities for the post-2015 development agenda, based on the opinions of anyone who wishes to express them.

The ceremony was led and organized by the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme in Ecuador, represented by international UN Youth Volunteer Lena Priesemann and international UN Volunteer Akiko Nojiri.

During the Global Week of Action, between 5 and 11 May, and for the following three weeks (until the end of May), the students collected 676 votes at several locations: at universities in Quito from students and teachers; at the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion from Deaf youth; on an interprovincial bus; in Oyacachi from an indigenous community within the Cayambe Coca Ecological Reserve; and at many other locations.

By involving different population groups in the survey, volunteers contributed to making MY World inclusive and to bring the views of people who are often not consulted – such as youth, minorities or marginalized people – to the attention of global decision-makers.

During the awards ceremony, all the students said that the Global Week of Action had been a very enriching experience, and that they are now more aware of the key issues affecting the human and sustainable development of their own country.

This shows how volunteerism allows people to contribute to development, and is especially meaningful as UNV and its partners advocate for the integration of volunteerism in the post-2015 agenda.

Article translated from Spanish by UN Online Volunteer Jeremy Orloski.

Quito, Ecuador