Dorice Mkiva: My disability will never hold me back

Dorice Mkiva: My disability will never hold me back
11.04.2024 | 10:31

Dorice Mkiva: My disability will never hold me back

A will to work, a wish to gain more experience and knowledge, and a dream to be recognized by the United Nations, motivated Dorice Mkiva to volunteer in the the UN system.

I am the manager of my life, my disability will never hold me back. Dorice holds these words by motivational speaker, Nick Vujicic close to her heart.

This young and energetic woman from Tanzania volunteers with UNICEF Tanzania Country Office as a Knowledge Management Officer. She wishes to create an inclusive society, where everyone has access to equal opportunities; a passion that can be seen in Dorice’s work and actions.

In her assignment, Dorice delivers capacity-building programmes for UNICEF staff on using the Information Communication and Technology infrastructures to compile and extract sources from knowledge management databases. She has effectively trained her colleagues in different sections to adequately manage these databases. This has facilitated an efficient way to share information across several teams.

Dorice has a physical disability and uses crutches to walk. At times, mobility is a challenge. Together with her supervisor, Dorice has found a solution, not letting her disability deter her ambitions.

She received two laptops to conveniently telecommute as well as work in the office without having to carry her equipment with her.

Dorice feels that her supervisor is her disability champion. His openness to learn and respond to her needs as a person with a disability has enabled her to work efficiently. She fondly recalls being able to participate in a Knowledge Management Committee meeting chaired by the Deputy Country Representative. This opportunity enhanced her understanding of the knowledge management concepts and procedures allowing her to be better in her assignment.

To her fellow youth with disabilities, Dorice encourages them to apply for the positions advertised by the UN. She says the system is inclusive and enables individuals with disabilities to excel professionally.

Dorice’s skillset in knowledge management makes information sharing throughout the different sections of UNICEF Tanzania Country Office simpler and more effective. Through helpdesk sessions, Dorice regularly assists her colleagues with technical challenges and trains them in using Microsoft Office 365 tools.

This article was produced with the kind support of Vibhu Sharma, UN Volunteer Communications Specialist for Disability Inclusion. For more information on volunteering opportunities, please click on how to become a volunteer.