The 2030 Youth Force—One Year On

It has been more than a year since the 2030 Youth Force was established by 19 young leaders from Asia and the Pacific, sparking a youth and volunteer-led movement that engages young people in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Most recently, leaders from six countries gathered in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, to celebrate their achievements, share best practices and plan for the future.

Since the ambitious group of young women and young men was brought together in June 2016, UNV and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) are supporting the network of youth and volunteers by facilitating knowledge-sharing and assisting young leaders to engage in regional and national initiatives. Throughout the initiative, UNDP and UNV have organized capacity-building webinars, arranged opportunities for young leaders to share their opinions in multi-stakeholder conferences at regional and country-level, and collaborated in online and offline activities. 

Korea's Global Renewable Energy Forum 2017: Volunteering solutions for green energy

The Global Renewable Energy Forum was organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Korea on 12 November 2017, as a Special Event during COP23.  Bearing the title “Towards a Low Carbon, Green Energy Future”, the event provided added value to the COP 23 policy discussions by engaging and informing an international audience on state-of-the-art, energy transition applications and policies in the sectors of transport (e.g., strategy roadmaps, electric vehicles, batteries, ‘mobility as a service’, and diesel phase out policies); and innovative, Integrated Systems (e.g., smart cities, heating

Korea's Global Renewable Energy Forum 2017: Volunteering solutions for green energy

The Global Renewable Energy Forum was organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Korea on 12 November 2017, as a Special Event during COP23.  Bearing the title “Towards a Low Carbon, Green Energy Future”, the event provided added value to the COP 23 policy discussions by engaging and informing an international audience on state-of-the-art, energy transition applications and policies in the sectors of transport (e.g., strategy roadmaps, electric vehicles, batteries, ‘mobility as a service’, and diesel phase out policies); and innovative, Integrated Systems (e.g., smart cities, heating

Promoting energy efficient and low carbon appliances improves community health and reduces deforestation

In Timor-Leste, UNV and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) are partnering on advancing environmental sustainability. One of the youngest countries in the world, Timor-Leste faces challenges raging from poverty and poor infrastructure to environmental degradation and climate change. Establishing and promoting a cook stove market mechanism helps improve Timor-Leste’s social business sector and entrepreneurship while reducing forest and land degradation.

The main causes of forest and land degradation in the country include deforestation, inappropriate agricultural practices, forest fires, over-grazing and demographic pressures. A survey conducted by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) reported that the annual deforestation rate between 2003 and 2010 had been 1.73 per cent. If this alarming trend were to persist, 17.3 per cent of the forest in the country would disappear by 2021 and all forests in Timor-Leste by 2071.

UNV at COP 23

For COP 23, UN Volunteers has recruited more than 650 volunteers to support a wide range of operational tasks throughout the event. They all attended a full-day training on October 30.

Follow the involvement of volunteers during COP 23 here (hover over the image and scroll down):

UNV at COP 23

For COP 23, UN Volunteers has recruited more than 650 volunteers to support a wide range of operational tasks throughout the event. They all attended a full-day training on October 30.

Follow the involvement of volunteers during COP 23 here (hover over the image and scroll down):

A "farmer-field-school" approach to ensure adaptation to climate change in Senegal

As a trained agronomist, I have been volunteering for the United Nations in Senegal since October 2016. I serve in a project by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) aimed at reducing the vulnerability of farmers to climate change. The project supports technical and organizational innovations and is based on the concept of climate resilience.

The Global Environment Facility project on which I am working endorses the "farmer-field-school" approach to train farmers in how to adapt to climate change. It is an outdoor school where learning and sharing takes place through hands-on practical training.

Passing on the torch of peace in Haiti

The United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) was originally set up to support the Transitional Government in ensuring a secure and stable environment through reform of the Haitian National Police and Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) programmes.

Passing on the torch of peace in Haiti

The United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) was originally set up to support the Transitional Government in ensuring a secure and stable environment through reform of the Haitian National Police and Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) programmes.

COP 23 training motivates, inspires and informs more than 600 volunteers