ODS 16: Paz, justicia e instituciones sólidas, ODS 17: Alianzas para lograr los objetivos
Me llamo Kana Endo y soy japonesa. Emprendí mi misión de voluntariado el pasado mes de septiembre y prestaré servicio hasta febrero de 2023. Soy una de los tres Voluntarios de las Naciones Unidas internacionales que prestan servicio con las Naciones Unidas en Mongolia, junto con otro Voluntario nacional. Durante mi infancia, me gustaba aprender cosas nuevas, pero al mismo tiempo era muy tímida e introvertida. Sin embargo, me apasionaba aprender inglés y culturas de distintos países. Por lo tanto, elegí un instituto con cursos de inglés.
13 December 2022
Asia y el Pacífico
Success stories
Solomon focuses on supporting UNESCO's education component of the project, implementing literacy and numeracy programmes at cattle camps within the Lakes State pastoralist communities.  "As a volunteer, I have gained experience and understanding of the diverse ways of life of communities in the pastoral communities.  I am glad I am helping build their capacity and resilience." 
23 February 2017
Success stories
In 2015, I got the opportunity to become a UN Volunteer Child Protection Officer with UNICEF in Sudan. In a country severely affected by armed conflict, displacement and food insecurity, the humanitarian needs remain critical. In addition to an estimated 2.2 million people displaced internally, Sudan has received over a quarter of a million refugees fleeing the war in South Sudan. Approximate 70 per cent of these displaced people are children.
23 January 2017
Success stories
As a UN Volunteer Human Rights Officer with the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), I am engaged in monitoring, investigating and reporting human rights violations and abuses, as well as building capacity of civil society partners and state authorities.  Aside from monitoring detention centres, prisons and police cells, I am engaged in the creation of local human rights networks, and I help them develop their capacity in monitoring and advocacy to build a society that respects human rights with dignity, mutual understanding and peaceful dialogue.
10 December 2016
Success stories