On 2 March, the United Nations Volunteers and the International Labour Organization are jointly organizing a side event on "Mechanisms for Citizen Engagement and #Measurement for the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda" at the Regional Forum on Sustainable Development for the UNECE region to be held in Geneva, Switzerland. This session will provide guidance on how Member States can work to strengthen their analysis and reporting through the integration of national data on volunteerism.
Why Volunteerism and Agenda 2030?
Realizing the ambitions and meeting expectations of the post-2015 global consensus is a task that requires the mobilization of extraordinary resources, talents and the goodwill of ordinary people around the world. Across Agenda 2030 there is a recognition that it is time for a people-centred approach to development efforts. Globally there are an estimated one billion volunteers carrying out a range of roles in their communities and societies for the greater good. Even conservative estimates that tend to capture the most visible types of volunteers have shown that volunteering adds significant value to our economies and societies.
To date, discussions under SDG17 and other SDG goals and targets on the means of implementation have focused primarily on financial resources and resource challenges.
This session will provide guidance on how Member States can work to strengthen their analysis and reporting under SDG17 through the integration of national data on volunteerism. In particular to:
- Include qualitative and quantitative data on volunteer efforts in their countries in general, and under specific thematic goals and where possible, to provide estimates of economic value.
Demonstrate what countries are already doing (public, private and civil society initiatives) to reach out to ordinary citizens so that they can become drivers of their own development in the spirit of Agenda 2030.
Use case studies and examples around voluntary citizen engagement to provide a narrative on social inclusion and leaving the furthest behind first under specific SDG goals and targets.
Research and evidence on volunteerism is an excellent source of information that can be used by countries to show a ‘whole of society approach’ within their Voluntary National Reviews, and to move beyond purely financial resource considerations in terms of the efforts that their own governments have made in the implementation of the SDGs.