Remarks by Olivier Adam, Executive Coordinator, at the UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS Executive Board

Mr Olivier Adam, Executive Coordinator of the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme, addressed the UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS Executive Board in a virtual session on 4 September 2020. Below are his remarks as delivered.

Thank you, Mr Associate Administrator, for your introduction and your – and the Administrator’s – commitment to volunteerism and your strong support to the United Nations Volunteers programme.

Madame President,

Distinguished delegates,

Mr Associate Administrator,

Ladies and Gentlemen:

The Coronavirus and the Rise of the Virtual Volunteer

7 way you can make a difference from your couch

Closing the loop: Can we bring the past into the present and leave no one behind?

Johanna Erroba serves as a national UN Volunteer Youth Engagement Officer with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in the Philippines. In this blog, she shares her perspective on how COVID-19 has accelerated the transition to, and dependency on, the digital world, and how more needs to be done to enhance intergenerational solidarity. 

A lot has been said about how young people can take action to combat the crisis, from community organizing to innovative startups. Luckily for you, that isn’t what I will do, because, let’s face it, we do not talk about the interdependence of generations enough.

UNV’s new client relationship management system streamlines our partnership engagement

In 2019, we set out to bring the IT systems of the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme up to par with the most advanced technologies in the market. Through our digital transformation project, we are working to increase staff productivity and client satisfaction, while also enhancing collaboration and reducing duplication. A prime example of this is our new client relationship management (CRM) system.

In the area of partnership management, previously, our UNV personnel could not rely on a global support system for outreach and intelligence. Thus far, colleagues stored contact details and partner information in Word and Excel files aross the organization. The main avenue for information exchange between different sections and regional offices was e-mail.

Through the introduction of our new client relationship management platform, we have changed this.

UN Community Volunteers in action: "My contribution to the collective effort against COVID-19"

"With a pandemic ravaging the world, we need to stand up for human rights for all"

When I joined the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) in December 2019, I did not realize the full significance of my role as a UN Volunteer Human Rights Officer. While preparing to travel for my assignment, I read a lot about the history and current affairs of the country to have an idea of what I was going to face, but I never imagined how this experience would change my life – for good.

Coming from Colombia, this was my first assignment in a UN Mission and my first time in Africa. Before this, I had worked in Guatemala protecting human rights defenders, an experience that informed my passion for human rights work.

UNV OV Offer for Lebanon

The OV service can further support UNV and the UN country team in Lebanon by providing flexible, free of charge Online Volunteer capacity to support its rapid crisis response. Hundreds of Online Volunteers have supported the World Health Organization (WHO), UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), UN Development Programme (UNDP) and other first responders across the UN system by contributing to their COVID-19 preparedness, response and long-term recovery efforts.

This document was prepared with the kind support of Online Volunteer Anderson Ezie.

Real-life heroes: volunteers stepping forward for humanitarianism

"We the people of the United Nations, determined to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small..." --Preamble of the United Nations Charter

This principle, ascribed 75 years ago in the preamble of the UN Charter, symbolized a global conviction towards a new world. With a common aspiration to prevent the recurrence of the 'untold sorrow to mankind' experienced in the decades prior, the signatories committed to a restored faith in humanity. The principle permeates through all of the UN’s work, be that in humanitarian assistance, development or peacekeeping.

Designing a better future for refugees in Burundi

My name is Eve Zorawska and I am a Canadian national currently serving as UN Volunteer Associate Site Planning Officer with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in Burundi. The urgent need for support in managing shelter and infrastructure in the humanitarian sector motivated me as a professional architect and urban planner to seek an opportunity to apply my knowledge and technical skills in the most urgent contexts.

With a background in architecture, urban design, planning and sustainable development, I have worked with many international organizations on emergency to long-term development projects across East Africa, Middle East, Asia, North America and Europe.

I was grateful to join the UNHCR Burundi operation as a UN Volunteer and apply my over eight years of experience, working in fast paced multicultural environments to provide the technical expertise that was needed from the national to community level.

Being the rainbow in someone's cloud: delivering medical services at community level

My name is Leila Mirembe, a UN Volunteer Medical Doctor working with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Somalia. Volunteering allows me to meet people from different levels of society, share diverse perspectives, and help those in need. I also learn new skills and get new experiences. In this article, I share my experience.


I have always loved to help people, to see the sick get better, and to make a difference in the lives of others. I am Ugandan, and I worked in South Sudan with Doctors with Africa CUAMM before joining UNDP. 

I always quote Maya Angelou. ‘Be the rainbow in someone’s cloud.’ I have always loved to help people to see the sick get better, to make a difference in lives. --Leila Mirembe, UN Volunteer Medical Doctor