Género, cambio climático y adaptación basada en la comunidad: una guía para el diseño y puesta en práctica de proyectos y programas comunitarios de adaptación al cambio climático desde una perspectiva de género

This Guidebook presents valuable advice on how to design gender-sensitive, community-based projects and programmes. It draws on a wealth of experiences and examples from UNDP CBA Programmes, together with lessons learned from Global Environment Facility (GEF) Small Grants Programmes and UN Volunteers’ experiences within the field.

Risks associated with climate change threaten to reinforce gender inequalities and even erode progress that has been made towards gender equality in many developing countries. Poor women’s limited access to resources, restricted rights, limited mobility and voice in community and household decision-making can make them much more vulnerable than men to the effects of climate change. This is unfair and can lead to unfortunate consequences for all, as women play a unique role in the stewardship of natural resources and support to households and communities. With their knowledge, they can shape adaptive mechanisms in vulnerable areas. It is therefore vital that gender equality considerations as well as men’s and women’s different needs, perspectives and knowledge, are taken into account when planning community-based adaptation activities.

UNV’s support to community based adaptation (CBA) has contributed to the making of this UNDP report, co-authored by Volunteer Specialists and UN Volunteers. This Guidebook presents valuable advice on how to design gender-sensitive, community-based projects and programmes. It draws on a wealth of experiences and examples from UNDP CBA Programmes, together with lessons learned from Global Environment Facility (GEF) Small Grants Programmes and UN Volunteers’ experiences within the field.

Download the Guidebook [pdf]