SDG 3: Good health and well-being, SDG 10: Reduced inequalities, SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
Acting as a UNDP representative, Helen co-led the Community Engagement sub-group of the pillar and was tasked to do a rapid assessment of community engagement needs, gaps and challenges.  There were two essential things we could do: support the health care system to address cases and enhance risk communication and community engagement to help slow down and reduce the spread of the disease. --Dr Samuel Doe, UNDP’s Resident Representative in Sierra Leone
08 October 2020
West and Central Africa
Success stories
SDG 3: Good health and well-being, SDG 4: Quality education, SDG 10: Reduced inequalities, SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
Through their partnership, the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and UN Volunteers (UNV) programme have deployed 10 such UN Community Volunteers in the different regions of Senegal. 
28 September 2020
West and Central Africa
Success stories
SDG 3: Good health and well-being, SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
I have volunteered on campaigns to end Hepatitis B and "Peste des Petits ruminants" in animals in many inaccessible communities in Northern Nigeria. The Africa Women Health Champions initiative came at the right time in my professional carerr, as I was looking for opportunities to join UNV to broaden my experience and learn from others. 
10 September 2020
West and Central Africa
Success stories
SDG 3: Good health and well-being, SDG 6: Clean water and sanitation, SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
UN Volunteer Basmeena Safi, a UN Volunteer Health Officer with UNICEF, is sparing no effort to prevent the spread of the virus and protect communities. A specialist in healthcare, Basmeena, has supported efforts to mitigate the spread of the virus by sensitizing communities about facts surrounding COVID-19 to stop misinformation.
09 September 2020
Asia and the Pacific
Success stories
SDG 3: Good health and well-being, SDG 6: Clean water and sanitation, SDG 10: Reduced inequalities, SDG 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions, SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
I have always loved to help people, to see the sick get better, and to make a difference in the lives of others. I am Ugandan, and I worked in South Sudan with Doctors with Africa CUAMM before joining UNDP.  I always quote Maya Angelou. ‘Be the rainbow in someone’s cloud.’ I have always loved to help people to see the sick get better, to make a difference in lives. --Leila Mirembe, UN Volunteer Medical Doctor
24 August 2020
East and Southern Africa
Success stories
SDG 3: Good health and well-being, SDG 5: Gender equality, SDG 10: Reduced inequalities, SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
This principle, ascribed 75 years ago in the preamble of the UN Charter, symbolized a global conviction towards a new world. With a common aspiration to prevent the recurrence of the 'untold sorrow to mankind' experienced in the decades prior, the signatories committed to a restored faith in humanity. The principle permeates through all of the UN’s work, be that in humanitarian assistance, development or peacekeeping.
19 August 2020
Arab States
Success stories
SDG 3: Good health and well-being
I joined the UN in Lesotho in 2019 to lead the drought emergency coordination efforts in the country. The country had just been devastated by drought at the time, leaving more than half a million people (about a quarter of the total population of Lesotho), mostly women and children, experiencing severe food shortages. Tens of thousands were ‘one step away from famine’. While farmers experienced droughts, rising temperatures, and extreme weather, the changing weather condition was forcing people to migrate.
19 August 2020
East and Southern Africa
Success stories
SDG 3: Good health and well-being, SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
18 August 2020
West and Central Africa
SDG 3: Good health and well-being, SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
Youth Friendly Health Services were established in Moldova by the Government, in partnership with UNICEF. The initiative engaged more than 45,000 young people in the promotion of Agenda 2030 and volunteerism, while also giving them a chance to become more aware of healthcare and their wellbeing. Vulnerable groups like those who suffer from drug addiction or commercial sex also had the opportunity to take an HIV test, visit doctors and consult psychologists confidentially
17 August 2020
Europe and Central Asia
Success stories
SDG 3: Good health and well-being, SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth, SDG 10: Reduced inequalities, SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
Through the Ministry of Youth, Sport and Child Development and its network, the initiative aims to mobilise, train and deploy 2500 community youth volunteers across the country, selected from some of the most affected communities in the country. They will support ongoing sensitization efforts by the Zambian Government, the United Nations, Development partners and other key stakeholders to help control the spread of the virus.
12 August 2020
East and Southern Africa
Success stories