SDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities, SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
The initiatives awarded under the Youth Volunteering Innovation Challenge featured youth engaging volunteers to address social issues with the help of private sector volunteering – the SAP staff members who provided mentorships were also volunteers.  The three-month mentorships enabled grantees to scale up their projects in the areas of environment, people with disabilities, and women’s economic empowerment within urban contexts, with a focus on leveraging volunteering for the localization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
30 January 2018
SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
Under the five-year KMUTT-UNV University Volunteer regional pilot programme, 20 - 25 graduate students will develop capacities and contribute to specific development programmes supported by the United Nations in ASEAN countries, specifically in Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar and Viet Nam. The students will leverage their knowledge and skills in science and technology and dedicate their creativity as well as energy to peace and develop in their six-months assignments.
11 December 2017