Volunteer Coaching is a mutually beneficial virtual initiative for both UN Volunteers and certified coaches. For UN Volunteers, it offers personalized guidance and support for both personal and professional development. By participating, volunteers can gain valuable insights, enhance their skills for performance, and build confidence in their roles. For coaches, it offers practical coaching experience for higher certifications and connects them to a wide range of UN professionals.
05 September 2024
SDG 5: Gender equality, SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth, SDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure, SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
Georgina Edwards, UN Volunteer Innovation Analyst with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in South Africa After finishing my graduate degree, I interned with UN-Habitat and that set the stage for my UN career.  Transitioning to a UN Volunteer assignment in 2021 was a turning point, allowing me to step into my dream role as an Innovation Analyst with UNFPA.
06 June 2024
East and Southern Africa
Success stories
SDG 3: Good health and well-being, SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth, SDG 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
The objective was to live up to the wellbeing of UN Volunteers stationed with UN partners across the country. The outcome was informative and inspiring, in every sense of the word.
15 May 2023
Asia and the Pacific
Success stories
SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth, SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
Digital readiness is key to our success. i.e. building and refining of capabilities and culture to perform and transform. According to the Institute for Digital Transformation, "The more prepared or ready an organization, the more likely it will achieve its desired outcome. 'Digital readiness' is being prepared for the disruption of Digital Transformation." 
23 November 2020
Success stories
The Volunteer Talk – UNV Knowledge Sharing Webinar with the theme “Organising learning events for Volunteers: the Capacity Development and Learning Facility (CDLF)” was organized on 11 March 2015. The webinar featured experiences from the field presented by Ulla Gronlund, former UNV Programme Officer in Turkey and Katalin Kaplár, UNV Administration Officer in the UN Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO). Photographs by: UNV DR Congo and Turkey Video edited by: UN Online Volunteer Amy Ozeri
22 June 2015
The third “Volunteer Talk – UNV Knowledge Sharing Webinar” was organized on 30 October 2014 and had as theme “Motivating and Recognizing Volunteers". The webinar featured experiences from the field on tools for recognizing the contribution of volunteers, in a wider policy context. The guest speakers for this webinar were Renata Farias, UNV Programme Officer in Cabo Verde and Adriana Serdan, UNV Programme Officer in Colombia.
19 February 2015
The third “Volunteer Talk – UNV Knowledge Sharing Webinar” was organized on 30 October 2014 and had as theme “Motivating and Recognising Volunteers". The webinar featured experiences from the field on tools for recognising the contribution of volunteers, in a wider policy context. The guest speakers for this webinar were Renata Farias, UNV Programme Officer in Cabo Verde and Adriana Serdan, UNV Programme Officer in Colombia.
15 February 2015
The first UNV African Regional Retreat for UN Volunteers was held from 5 to 8 November, 2014 at the Maanzoni Lodge, Lukenya, in Kenya. More than 150 people from UNV teams in Kenya, Somalia and Uganda gathered to share their knowledge and network. Tapiwa Kamuruko, who was recently installed in Nairobi in the new post of UNV Regional Manager for Africa, opened the retreat. Maria–Threase Keating, UNDP Kenya Country Director, and David Akopyan, UNDP Somalia Deputy Country Director (Programmes), also attended.
18 November 2014
How does volunteering make a difference? These days, we are trying to do development differently: to partner with less usual suspects for outside insights, and tap into local energy and initiatives. The ethos of volunteerism is exactly the same – it is not a supplement to the work we do; it is a natural component within it. And with whom do we partner up to do this? The answer, of course, is young people. They are the natural choice.
16 October 2014
The second “Volunteer Talk – UNV Knowledge Sharing Webinar” was organized on 7 July 2014, with the theme “Gathering evidence on the impact of volunteering". The webinar featured experiences from the field in carrying out research studies on volunteering. Presentations by the guest speakers – Natal Donnaloia and Mohammed Husni from Sri Lanka, and Laura Amadori from Guinea Bissau – were followed by vivid interactions with the nearly 70 webinar participants. Video edited by: UN Online Volunteer Amy Ozeri
01 August 2014