By day, UNV Field Engineer Officer Magloire Buffalo-Bill provides all manner of  engineering support and services to the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) and its clients. Managing a staff of 20, he plans, designs and carries out new construction, and renovates, rehabilitates and alters existing facilities on demand and now, as required by mission downsizing.
29 May 2014
SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: The International Conference on Youth Volunteering and Dialogue opened on 3 December 2013 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. More than 200 young volunteers from over 33 different countries attended the Conference, along with delegates of UNESCO, the Saudi Arabia Ministry of Education and the King Abdulaziz Center for National Dialogue. The three-day event provided young volunteers, experts and practitioners with the opportunity to discuss, display and evaluate ‘best practices’ in the field of volunteerism.
03 February 2014
Arab States
Success stories
On the occasion of International Volunteer Day, the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme has launched a report gathering findings, perceptions and recommendations on youth volunteerism in Arab states, as part of its regional project, Arab Youth Volunteering for a Better Future. The report is the fruit of twelve months of field work, focus groups, questionnaires, desk reviews and national workshops carried out in 2012 in each of the project’s target countries: Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia and Yemen.
12 December 2013
Young people from around the world gathered for the BYND2015 Global Youth Summit in San José, Costa Rica on 9-11 September to discuss the post-2015 development agenda. UN Volunteers from Peru participated in the summit to highlight the importance of volunteering and the need to integrate it in all United Nations programmes.
19 September 2013
SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
Kigali, Rwanda: In cooperation with 22 other African countries, the One UN in Rwanda held consultations in order to formulate a nationally owned post-2015 development agenda. The objective of the consultations was to stimulate an inclusive, bottom-up debate on the post-2015 development agenda. The idea was thus to facilitate a visioning process, which is based on people’s experiences and ideas for the future of the world they want to live in.
05 September 2013
East and Southern Africa
Success stories
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina: After young people from Italy, Switzerland, the Czech Republic and other countries have gone all over the world to serve as UNV Interns, we  the first generation of German UNV Interns –deployed to our countries of service in 2013.
28 June 2013
Arab States
Success stories
Guatemala City, Guatemala:  Guatemala is a young country. According to data provided by the National Statistical Institute, one fourth of the Guatemalan population is younger than 18 years old and one half is between 10 to 30 years of age. Most Guatemalan adolescents live in rural areas, and belonging to one of the ethnic indigenous groups makes them even more vulnerable given the discriminatory practices still existing in the country.
20 November 2011
Latin America and the Caribbean
Success stories