SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth, SDG 10: Reduced inequalities
The UNDP-UNV Talent Programme will offer young people with disabilities the opportunity to acquire practical work experience and exposure to the work of the UN Development System through assignments with country, regional or headquarters offices of UNDP and other UN entities. UNDP-UNV will identify relevant assignments and select applicants. Programme participants and host offices will benefit from dedicated support, guidance and professional development opportunities as part of the programme.
13 March 2018
SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
On Thursday, 13 October, as part of the first day of the Partnerships Forum in Bonn, “Blue Room talks” took place in the World Conference Center. Blue Room talks - a concept of the UNV Communications Section in collaboration with Deutsche Welle Akademie, are a way for UNV to showcase the real life experiences of UN Volunteers.
03 November 2016
SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
During a side event held today at the 2016 UNV Partnership Forum, Mr. Richard Dictus, Executive Coordinator of the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme and Mr. Ying Wang, Deputy Secretary General of Beijing Volunteer Service Federation (BVF), announced the new cooperation project “Strengthening China’s Involvement in the Development of International Volunteer Service through South-South Cooperation and the Belt and Road Initiative.”
13 October 2016
SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme and the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), both members of the "Forum for Volunteering in Development" (Forum), will jointly host the 2016 International Volunteering Cooperation Organizations (IVCO 2016) conference in Bonn. About 200 participants are expected to join the three-day event will take place from October 9-12th and focus on the theme Increasing Resilience of Communities Through Volunteering.
03 August 2016
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina: After young people from Italy, Switzerland, the Czech Republic and other countries have gone all over the world to serve as UNV Interns, we  the first generation of German UNV Interns –deployed to our countries of service in 2013.
28 June 2013
Arab States
Success stories