The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme has a longstanding partnership with Ireland. The collaboration with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade takes place through Irish Aid’s Multilateral Unit, responsible for United Nations entities and international financial institutions.
During 2023, 36 Irish nationals served as UN Volunteers, 24 of whom were funded by the Government of Ireland. The Government also provides a contribution to UNV’s Special Voluntary Fund (SVF), a flexible resource to implement UNV’s Strategic Framework.
Ireland strongly supports volunteerism-related issues and was one of the 124 co-sponsors of the 2018 UN General Assembly Resolution on Volunteering for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (A/C.3/73/L.13). In the same year, the Government submitted a Voluntary National Review, in the context of the Plan of Action to integrate volunteering in the 2030 Agenda.
Featured UN Volunteer testimonial
For further information, visit the website of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Ireland. Also refer to UNV's Annual Report 2023, including our Special Voluntary Fund and Full Funding reports.