Le Rapport sur l'état du volontariat dans le monde de 2018 Le fi l qui nous relie est une publication phare des Nations Unies qui présente de nouvelles données sur le rôle du volontariat dans le renforcement de la résilience des communautés. Il constate que les communautés apprécient le volontariat car il leur permet de créer des stratégies collectives pour faire face à divers défi s économiques, sociaux et environnementaux. Dans le même temps, à moins d’être soutenu de manière appropriée par des acteurs plus larges, le volontariat peut être exclusif et contraignant pour certains groupes.
07 November 2018
SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
These are some of the findings from a review conducted by International Labour Organisation (ILO) of national practices on the measurement of volunteer work, presented at the 20th International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS) in Geneva.  The research was undertaken as part of a UNV-ILO partnership on volunteer measurement which was established in 2017.
30 October 2018
Success stories
**للخبر الصحفي باللغة العربية، انظر نهاية الصفحة
21 October 2018
**للخبر الصحفي باللغة العربية، انظر نهاية الصفحة
21 October 2018
Press releases
**للخبر الصحفي باللغة العربية، انظر نهاية الصفحة
21 October 2018
**للخبر الصحفي باللغة العربية، انظر نهاية الصفحة
21 October 2018
Statistical data on volunteerism area has become increasingly available since the 19th ICLS in 2013, which recognized volunteer work as a form of work and established its international statistical definition. In 2017, ILO's Statistics Department conducted a global review of national practices in measuring volunteer work, between 2007 and 2017. The review was conducted under the framework of the ILO-UNV partnership established to promote and facilitate the regular measurement of volunteer work by the National Statistical Offices (NSOs).
12 October 2018
Volunteerism as a contributor to growth and prosperity has not been properly captured by the development discourse of Africa. However, the sprout of movements, organizations, and groups, now working on and in support of volunteerism across the continent serve as a testament to an increased recognition of the value of innovative volunteerism as a mechanism for addressing most of the economic and socio-political challenges faced by Africa.
10 October 2018
  The Voluntary National Reviews confirm firstly that volunteers remain important partners for implementation of the SDGs across diverse contexts. For example, Andorra, Guinea, Jamaica, Malta and Vietnam discuss volunteer efforts in the context of disaster risk reduction and environmental protection; ¯ˇLithuania, Saudi Arabia and Togo highlight the role of volunteers in education, employment and poverty reduction; while Bahrain, Bhutan, Kiribati and Lebanon link volunteering to community engagement and social cohesion. 
30 September 2018
Success stories
The report is submitted in response to the request by the General Assembly in its resolution 70/129 that the Secretary-General report at its seventy-third session on the implementation of that resolution, including the plan of action to integrate volunteering into peace and development policies and programmes.
28 August 2018
Success stories